

单词 Ejusdem generis
释义 同類
Lat – of the same sort, kind or nature. A principle of statutory interpretation whereby wide words associated in the text of an enactment with more limited words are taken to be restricted by implication to matters of the same limited character. In this connection, the applicability of the principle depends on the existence of a common category or genus: Tillmans & Co v SS Knutsford Ltd [1908] 2 KB 385 (CA), affd [1908] AC 406 (HL). The application of this principle to the construction of instruments affecting land is subject to the Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap 219) s 15, which, subject to contrary intention, obliges the expressions ‘or’, ‘other’ and ‘otherwise’ to be construed disjunctively and not as implying similarity, unless the word ‘similar’ or some other word of like meaning is added: A-G v Chiu Man Lun [1989] 1 HKLR 99 (CA); R v Tam Ming Chu [1991] 1 HKC 505 (HC). The drafter may exclude the principle by using appropriate language: A-G v Leicester Corp [1910] 2 Ch 359 (qualifying sweeping-up or residuary words with suitable generalisation); Beswisk v Beswick [1967] 2 All ER 1197, 3 WLR 932, [1968] AC 58 (HL) (including a definition of the residuary words). The exclusion of the principle may also be implied by reason of other interpretative criteria (Rands v Oldroyd [1958] 3 All ER 344, 3 WLR 583, [1959] 1 QB 204) or the use of the expression elsewhere in the ordinance in a wide sense (Young v Grattridge (1868) LR 4 QB 166). See also Construction; Intention; Interpretation; Statutory construction.
拉丁語-指相同種類、類別或性質。法例釋義的一項原則,凡成文法則的文本由有限的語句組成,與其有關聯的廣泛的語句將受性質同樣有限的事宜限制。因此,此原則適用與否視乎是否有共同的類別或種類存在:Tillmans & Co v SS Knutsford Ltd [1908] 2 KB 385(芵國上訴法院), affd [1908] AC 406 (上議院)。就適用於對土地有影響的文書而言,《物業轉易及財產條例》(第219章)第15條規管此等解釋的原則;在該條文下,除非另有相反意向,否則「或」、「其他」及「在其他情況下」,須解作前後事物並不相連及並不相類,但如加上「相類」或若干其他近義字時則作別論:A-G v Chiu Man Lun [1989] 1 HKLR 99(上訴法庭);R v Tam Ming Chu [1991] 1 HKC 505(高等法院)。草擬人可使用適當的語句免除此原則:A-G v Leicester Corp [1910] 2 Ch 359(以適當的普通規則對廣泛的或剩餘的語句施加約制);Beswisk v Beswick [1967] 2 All ER 1197,3 WLR 932,[1968] AC 58 (上議院) (包括該等剩餘語句的定義)。亦可以其他釋義準則的理由默示免除此原則(Rands v Oldroyd [1958] 3 All ER 344, 3 WLR 583, [1959] 1 QB 204);或以廣義的角度使用條例中其他部分的語句免除此原則(Young v Grattridge (1868) LR 4 QB 166)。另見 Construction; Intention; Interpretation; Statutory construction。




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