

单词 Imitation
释义 仿製品
In design law, the application of a registered design without the licence or authority of the registered owner. Imitation includes obvious imitation and fraudulent imitation. Obvious imitation involves a copy apparent to the eye notwithstanding slight differences. The test is through the eyes if the inexpert customers that the comparison has to be made: Tang Fun Kee Manufacturing Co Ltd v Fortuna Plastic Manufacturing (A Firm) [1980] HKLR 184 (HC). Further the articles should be judged by looking at and comparing side by side and separately: Sanury v Wai Fat (HCA 5089/80, unreported). Also the concept of imperfect recollection applies: Valour Heating Co Ltd v Main Gas Appliances Ltd [1973] RPC 871. Fraudulent imitation involves direct copying with knowledge of the registered design. The copy contains differences which are both apparent and not so slight as to be insubstantial but that have been made merely to disguise the copying something more than a visual comparison being required.
外觀設計法中,在沒有牌照或沒有註冊擁有人授權的情況下,使用已註冊的外觀設計。仿製品包括明顯的仿製品及欺詐性的仿製品。明顯的仿製品指儘管僅有少量差異,但表面肉眼看來是複製品的。有關的驗證是通過非專家客戶的眼睛作出比較:Tang Fun Kee Manufacturing Co Ltd v Fortuna Plastic Manufacturing (A Firm) [1980] HKLR 184 (高等法院)。此外,作判斷時應把有關的物品並排及分開作觀察及比較:Sanury v Wai Fat(高院民事訴訟1980年第5089號,未經彙報)。不完全記憶的概念亦適用:Valour Heating Co Ltd v Main Gas Appliances Ltd [1973] RPC 871。有欺詐成份的仿製品指在知悉有關的註冊外觀設計的情況下作出直複製。有關的複製品含有明表面上的差異、及相當輕微以致不具關鍵性的差異(僅作為掩飾複製行為,而非屬於所需的視覺比較)。n.




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