

单词 Fictitious party
释义 虛構的一方
In the context of negotiable instruments, a name inserted as that of the payee which is so inserted by way of pretence merely, without any intention that payment shall only be made in conformity therewith, whether the name be that of an existing person or of one who has no existence: Halsbury’s Laws of England (4th Ed, Reissue) Vol 4(1), para.332, Bank of England v Vagliano Bros [1891] AC 107, [1891-1894] All ER Rep 93 (HL). Where the payee is a fictitious or non-existing person, the bill may be treated as payable to bearer: Bills of Exchange Ordinance (Cap 19) s 7(3). The term ‘fictitious’ is also used in ss 5(2), 41(2), 46(2), 50(2) in reference to a drawee. See also Bill of exchange; Drawer; Non-existing party; Payee.
就可轉讓票據而言,指僅以假裝的途徑載入受款人的姓名,而沒有任何意圖僅應在與之符合的情況下才作出繳款(不論該姓名屬某存在的人或不存在的人)。Halsbury’s Laws of England (第4版 再發行)第4(1)冊,第332段;Bank of England v Vagliano Brothers [1891] AC 107。凡受款人是虛構的人或並不存在的人,匯票可視為用以付款予持票人:《匯票條例》(第19章)第7(3)條。與受票人有關的「虛構」一詞亦用於第5(2)、41(2)、46 (2)及50 (2)條。另見 Bill of exchange; Drawer; Non-existing party; Payee。




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