

单词 Committal for sentence
释义 交付判處
An order by a magistrate that a defendant be committed to the Court of First Instance to be sentenced after the defendant has pleaded guilty to an offence which cannot or should not be dealt with summarily: Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) s 81B(1). The court can refuse to commit where in the court’s opinion the offence is not made out by the evidence: s 81B(2). See also Plea; Sentence.
被告承認某項不能或不應循簡易程序審理的罪行後,裁判官下令將被告交付原訟法庭判處:《裁判官條例》(第227章)第81B(1)條。法庭如果認為罪行未有證據支持可拒絕交付判處:《裁判官條例》第81B(2)條。另見 Plea; Sentence。




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