

单词 Toy
释义 玩具

A product or material that is designed or clearly intended for use in play by a child: Toys and Children’s Products Safety Ordinance (Cap 424) s 2. No person shall manufacture, import or supply a toy, unless the toy, including its packaging, complies with each and every applicable requirement contained in one of the following sets of safety standards for toys: (a) International Voluntary Toy Safety Standard established by the International Committee of Toy Industries, (b) European Standard EN71 established by the European Committee for Standardisation, (c) ASTM F963 established by the American Society for Testing and Materials: s 3 (1).
設計供兒童玩耍或顯見是擬供兒童玩耍的產品或物料:《玩具及兒童產品安全條例》(第424章)第2條。任何人不得製造、進口或供應玩具,除非該玩具(包括其包裝)符合以下安全標準中其中一套標準內所載的各項適用的規定:(a) 國際玩具工業委員會所訂立的國際玩具自律安全標準; (b)歐洲標準委員會所訂立的歐洲標準71; (c)美國材料及試驗學會所訂立的美國材料及試驗學會標準F963:第3 (1)條。n.





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