

单词 Colonial Governor
释义 殖民地總督
The principal executive officer of a colony. Before the handover of Hong Kong to China on 1 July 1997, the Governor in Hong Kong was the symbolic representative of sovereignty of the Queen in the United Kingdom. He exercised the powers of the royal prerogative by delegation and all government personnel in Hong Kong owed him obedience. The office of the Governor was created by the Letters Patent. All powers and prerogatives were bestowed on the Governor by the Letters Patent. The Governor was the most significant official in the constitutional apparatus of pre-1997 Hong Kong. He was he president of the then Legislative Council and the head of the executive branch. He also had the power to appoint judges and remit sentences. Governors were usually appointed for a term of five years which might however be extended if necessary. See also Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; Letters Patent.
殖民地的首席行政人員。在1997年7月1日香港未回歸中國前,香港總督祇是英國女王君權的象徵式代表。他行使的是英國君權轉授的權力,而所有政府人員均須服從他的指令。總督這個職位由英皇制誥所設立。總督所有的權力和特權,都是英皇制誥所賦予的。總督又是1997年前的香港憲制組織中的最重要官員。他是立法局主席,亦是行政科的主管。此外,他又有權委任法官和減免判刑。總督的任期通常是5年。但如果需要時,可以予以延長。另見 Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; Letters Patent。




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