

单词 Persona non grata
释义 不受歡迎的人
Lat – an unacceptable person. In international law, a receiving state has the right to expel a foreign diplomat from its territory and, without explaining its decision, to proclaim the diplomat to be persona non grata. The sending state must recall such a diplomat at all if the declaration is made prior to arrival: Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961 art 9 para 1. See also Diplomat; Letter of recall.
拉丁語 - 不能接受的人。根據國際法,接待國有權將一名外國的外交人員驅逐離境,宣布該名外交人員為不受歡迎的人而無須解釋其決定。接待國可在該名外交人員入境前宣布他為不受歡迎的人。派遣國須視乎情況召回該名外交人員或終止其前往接待國的職責:《1961年凡爾賽和約-外交關係》第9條第1段。另看Diplomat; Letter of recall。




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