

单词 Personality
释义 法律人格
The capacity or ability of an entity to hold international legal rights and obligations. An entity having international legal personality is a subject of international law, and may enter into relations with other international persons. The degree of international legal personality depends upon and varies with the nature and activities of international law subjects: Reparation for Injuries Suffered in the Service of the United Nations case 1949 ICJ 174. International legal personality is full in the case of state entities, but provisional, conditional, incomplete, or by implication in the case of non-state entities. See also International law.
任何實體持有國際法律權利和責任的身分或能力。擁有國際法法律人格的個體是國際法主體,並可與其他國際法人建立關係。國際法法律人格的程度取決於國際法主體的性質和活動,亦因應國際法主體的性質和活動而不同:Reparation for Injuries Suffered in the Service of the United Nations case 1949 ICJ 174。如屬國家實體,它的國際法法律人格是完整的:但如屬非國家實體,它的國際法法律人格卻是臨時的、附有條件的、不完整的或隱含的。另見 International law。n.




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