

单词 Corporate veil
释义 公司面紗
The status of a company as a separate legal entity distinct from its shareholders, and therefore individual members of a company are not liable for the debts of the company. The court may ‘pierce the corporate veil’ for justice by treating a particular company as identical with the person or persons who control that company in all cases where the character of the company, or the nature of the persons who control it is a relevant feature. For example, the personal responsibility of directors for fraudulent trading: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 275. An application for a carrier’s licence in name of subsidiary company is not entitled to receive better treatment than its parent company. The court considers who are the persons as shareholders or even agents who direct and control the activities of a company: Merchandise Transport Ltd v British Transport Commission [1961] All ER 495 (CA). See also Lifting the corporate veil; Limited company.
公司獨立法人的身份使其區別於其股東,因此公司個人成員對公司的債務不負有責任。法院在任何情況下可為公正「刺穿公司的面紗」,認為一個特定的公司與某人或控制該公司的人是同一的,凡公司的特點或控制公司的人的特性具有相關的特徵時。例如,在具有最低成員人數下經營業務時成員對債務的責任和董事對欺詐交易的個人責任:《公司條例》(第32章)第31及275條。運輸者以其附屬公司名義申請執照沒有權利比其母公司受到更好的對待。法院考慮誰是作為股東甚至代理來指揮和控制公司活動的人:Merchandise Transport Ltd v British Transport Commission [1961] All ER 495(英國上訴法院)。另見 Lifting the corporate veil; Limited company。




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