

单词 Non-proving executor
释义 未申領遺囑認證的遺囑執行人
An executor appointed under will who has not proved the will, in circumstances where more than one executor has been appointed. Probate granted to one of several executors enures for the benefit of all. The application of the principle led to the rule that in actions at law the action was not properly constituted unless all the executors appointed by the will joined as plaintiffs even though some had not proved: Brookes v Strout (1702) 7 Mod Rep 39. However, it is no longer necessary or proper for non-proving executors to sue or be sued as representing the testator’s estate since the proving executors can exercise all the powers conferred by law on the personal representatives: Probate and Administration Ordinance (Cap 10) s27. See also Executor; Grant of Probate; Joint grant.
在獲指名的遺囑執行人多於一人的情況下,獲遺囑指名的、尚未申領遺囑認證的遺囑執行人。授予其中一位遺囑執行人的遺囑認證對所有人的利益均有效。該原則的應用導致了如下規則:在法律訴訟中,雖然某些遺囑執行人尚未申領遺囑認證,但除非所有獲遺囑指名的遺囑執行人作為原告人參加,否則該訴訟無法恰當成立:Brookes v Strout (17 02) 7 Mod Rep 39。由於法律賦予遺產代理人的所有權力均可由當其時已申領遺囑認證的遺囑執行人行使,故未申領遺囑認證的遺囑執行人因代理立遺囑人的遺產起訴或被起訴是不必要或不恰當的:《遺囑認證及遺產管理條例》(第10章)第27條。另見 Executor; Grant of Probate; Joint grant。




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