

单词 Sentence
释义 刑罰
1. To impose punishment on a person who has been found guilty of, or pleaded guilty to, committing a criminal offence. It may include entering a conviction against the person, or deciding to defer passing sentence provided that the person complies with certain conditions. 2. An order relating to punishment made by a court after a person has been found guilty of, or has pleaded guilty to, a criminal offence. In relation to an offence, it includes any order made by a court in dealing with an offender, including a hospital order (Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 80(1)); a deportation order (s 80(2)); an order for criminal costs (R v Hayden [1975] 2 All ER 558, 1 WLR 852 (CA)); and an order for restitution under the Theft Ordinance (Cap 210) (R v Parker [1970] 2 All ER 458, 1 WLR 1003 (CA)). It also includes a confiscation order made under the Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 102: HKSAR v Chai Man Fong (CACC 433/97, unreported). See also Conviction; Punishment.

 1. 對被裁斷犯任何刑事罪行或承認犯任何刑事罪行的人加諸刑罰。 刑罰可包括針對該人作出定罪判決,或如該人遵守若干條件,決定押後判處刑罰。  2. 有關在一人被裁斷犯任何刑事罪行或承認犯任何刑事罪行之後,由法院作出懲罰的命令。就罪行而言,刑罰包括法庭處置罪犯時作出的任何命令,包括入院令(《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第80(1)條);《遞解離境令》(第80(2)條);《刑事案件訟費命令》(R v Hayden [1975] 2 All ER 558, 1 WLR 852(英國上訴法院));及根據《盜竊罪條例》(第210章)的復還令(R v Parker [1970] 2 All ER 458, 1 WLR 1003(英國上訴法院))。刑罰也包括根據《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章) 第102條作出的沒收令:HKSAR v Chai Man Fong (刑事上訴,97年第433號,未經彙報)。另見 Conviction; Punishment。n.





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