

单词 Repudiatory breach
释义 廢除性違約
A breach which gives rise to a right to terminate the performance of a contract, being of a kind that the promisee may treat as a repudiation of the whole contract: Antaios Compania Naviera SA v Salen Rederierna AB [1985] AC 191. Where a repudiatory breach takes place, in order to terminate the contract, the so-called innocent party must clearly and unequivocally accept the repudiation: Chao Keh Lung Bill v Don Xia [2003] 4 HKC 660 (CA). A repudiatory breach that is accepted may render the defendant liable (Siu Ling v Wong Sum Fai [1981] HKC 116) to the plaintiff for damages representing its loss of the bargain (Charter View Development Ltd v Golden Rich Enterprises Ltd [2000] 2 HKC 77). A repudiatory breach was no more capable of giving rise to a defence of equitable set-off than that of a non-repudiatory breach: RAF Forwarding (HK) Ltd v Wong Angela (t/a JMT Co) [1999] 2 HKC 135. See also Repudiation; Termination.
產生終止履行合約權利的違約,承諾人可視整分合約被廢除:Antaios Compania Naviera SA v Salen Rederierna AB [1985] AC 191。如發生廢除性違約,為終止合約,所謂的不知情的一方必須清晰及不含糊地接受有關的廢除:Chao Keh Lung Bill v Don Xia [2003] 4 HKC 660(上訴法庭)。已被接受的廢除性違約可令致被告對原告有法律責任(Siu Ling v Wong Sum Fai [1981] HKC 116),即要作出代表買賣損失的賠償 (Charter View Development Ltd v Golden Rich Enterprises Ltd [2000] 2 HKC 77)。廢除性違約與非廢除性違約同樣可產生衡平法上抵銷權利的抗辯, 而不是:RAF Forwarding (HK) Ltd v Wong Angela (t/a JMT Co) [1999] 2 HKC 135。另見 Repudiation; Termination。




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