

单词 Drawer
释义 出票人

The person who makes (or draws), signs, and gives a negotiable instrument. The drawer of a bill engages by drawing it, that, on due presentment, it will be accepted and paid according to its tenor. Where, in a bill, drawer and drawee are the same person, the holder may treat the instrument, at his option, either as a bill of exchange or as a promissory note: s 5(2). No person is liable as drawer of a bill who has not signed it as such: s 23. The drawer engages that if the bill is dishonoured he will compensate the holder or any indorser who is compelled to pay it provided that the requisite proceedings on dishonour are duly taken: s 55(1)(a). The drawer is also thereby precluded from denying to a holder in due course the payee’s existence and capacity to indorse at the time of drawing: s 55(1)(b). See also Dishonour; Draw; Drawee; Holder; Indorser; Negotiable instrument; Sign.
制定(或擬備)、簽署並交付可轉讓票據的人。匯票的出票人允諾,在適當的出示下,他/她所簽發的匯票可按照有關的條款獲得承兌及償付。如匯票之出票人及受票人同屬一人,則執票人可選擇將該票據視為匯票或承付票:第 5(2)條。任何人如沒有在匯票上以出票人身分簽名,則無須以該身分承擔法律責任:第 23條。匯票的出票人允諾,在匯票不兌現時會對持有人或被迫就匯票付款的背書人作出補償,但必須妥為採取匯票不兌現時所須採取的必要程序:第 55(1)(a)條。匯票的出票人亦因而不得向當期持有人否定受款人的存在及受款人在出票時作出背書的行為能力:第 55(1)(b)條。另見 Dishonour; Draw; Drawee; Holder; Indorser; Negotiable instrument; Sign。n.





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