

单词 Reasonable time
释义 合理時間
The time for the performing an obligation under a contract which does not contain a time stipulation: Whale View Investment Ltd v Kensland Realty Ltd & Ors [2000] 2 HKLRD 261; Summit Link Ltd v Sunlink Group (HK) Co Ltd [2000] 2 HKLRD 724. What is a reasonable time must necessarily depend on the circumstances of the case, and is a question of fact: Supply of Services (Implied Terms) Ordinance (Cap 457) s 6(1). See also Notice; Performance; Time stipulation.
在沒有包含時間規定的合約,有關履行責任的時間:Whale View Investment Ltd v Kensland Realty Ltd & Ors [2000] 2 HKLRD 261; Summit Link Ltd v Sunlink Group (HK) Co Ltd [2000] 2 HKLRD 724。至於甚麼是合理時間,必須視乎個別案件的情況, 及屬於事實問題:《服務提供(隱含條款)條例》 (第457章)第6(1)條。另見 Notice; Performance; Time stipulation。




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