

单词 Reasonable notice
释义 合理通知
Notice given within a period of time which is adequate and sufficient, taking into account all the circumstances. For example, in contract law, reasonable notice can be given to withdraw a forbearance to sue: Get Nice (Union) Finance Co Ltd v Luen Cheong Tai [2002] 3 HKLRD I10 (CA). The length of ‘reasonable’ time is a question of fact, which depends on when the notice is given and whether in all the circumstances the time specified is long enough to enable performance of the obligation: Behzadi v Shaftesbury Hotels Ltd [1992] Ch 1, [1991] 2 All ER 477 (CA). In employment law, where an employment contract is silent as to the manner in which it is to be terminated, the common law implies a term to the effect that such contract may be terminated by one party giving the other a reasonable amount of notice of termination: Mauriello (Hong Kong) Ltd v Julie Chen Soo Lee (t/a Rohemian Shop) (HCA 7088/88, unreported). The question as to what is a reasonable period of notice is one of fact, depending on all the circumstances of the case and the nature of the employment: Hill v C A Parsons & Co Ltd [1972] Ch 305, [1971] 3 All ER 1345 (CA). An implied term of reasonable notice may be greater than the statutory minimum applicable to all employees under the Employment Ordinance (Cap 57) s 6. However, the requirement to give reasonable notice may be ousted by an express term to the contrary: Gilligan v AHK Air Hong Kong Ltd [1989] 2 HKC 189. See also Dismissal; Termination.
在考慮所有的情況後,在一段時期內作出適當的、充足的通知。例如在合約法,可作出合理通知撤銷延期償付起訴:Get Nice (Union) Finance Co Ltd v Luen Cheong Tai [2002] 3 HKLRD I10(上訴法庭)。「合理」時間的長度是事實的問題,視乎何時作出通知及在所有的情況指明的時間是否足夠容許履行責任:Behzadi v Shaftesbury Hotels Ltd [1992] Ch 1, [1991] 2 All ER 477(英國上訴法院)。在僱傭法,如僱傭合約沒有提到終止合約的方式,普通法暗示一項條款有此效力:可由一方給另一方合理終止通知的時間終止有關的合約:In Mauriello (HK) Ltd v Julie Chen Soo-lee (ta The Bohemian Shop) (a firm)(HCA 7088/87, 未經彙報)。何謂適當的通知期的問題是事實的問題,視乎案件的所有情況及僱傭的性質:Hill v C A Parsons & Co Ltd [1972] Ch 305, [1971] 3 All ER 1345(英國上訴法院)。在《僱傭條例》(第57章) 第6條下,合理通知的暗示條款可比適用於所有僱員的法定最少通知期為長。但作出合理通知的規定可以相反的明示條款取代:Gilligan v AHK Air Hong Kong Ltd [1989] 2 HKC 189。另見 Dismissal; Termination。




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