

单词 Inadequacy of damages
释义 損害賠償不足
The jurisdiction to grant the equitable remedy of specific performance is based on the inadequacy of an award of damages, which is the only remedy the common law affords for breach of contract: Wellfit Investments Ltd v Poly Commence Ltd (HCA 8737A/90, unreported). The availability of the equitable remedy imports the inadequacy of the common law remedy of damages in the particular circumstances: Re Stapylton Fletcher Ltd, Re Ellis, Son & Vidler Ltd [1994] 1 WLR 1181, [1995] 1 All ER 192. Equity assumed jurisdiction to deprive the defaulting party of this option and to compel him to carry his contract into effect. The foundation of the equitable jurisdiction is that the remedy at law is inadequate. The question whether specific performance will be enforced does not depend on whether the subject matter of the contract is real or personal property, but on the inadequacy of the remedy at law; although usually this is inadequate in the case of realty and adequate in the case of personalty: Adderley v Dixon (1824) 1 Sim & St 607. The principle has its main application in contracts for the sale of land or of an interest in land, as land is assumed to be unique in nature and the damages sufficient to purchase a replacement are inadequate: Cohen v Roche [1927] 1 KB 169. See also Chattel; Damages; Equity; Specific performance.
法院授予強制履行作為衡平法補救的司法管轄權是基於損害賠償的判給不足,而該損害賠償是普通法中對違約提供的唯一補救方法:Wellfit Investments Ltd v Poly Commence Ltd(高院民事訴訟1990年第8737A號,未經彙報)。此等衡平法補救方法表示在有關特定情況下,普通法的損害賠償補救不足:Re Stapylton Fletcher Ltd, Re Ellis, Son & Vidler Ltd [1994] 1 WLR 1181, [1995] 1 All ER 192。衡平法有司法管轄權剝奪此等補救失責的一方在這方面的選擇權,並迫使該方達成其合約。此等衡平法補救的司法管轄權的依據是法律上的補救不足。儘管對不動產的案件的補救通常不足,而對動產的案件則通常足夠;但會否強制執行強制履行的問題並非取決於合約的標的是土地財產還是非土地財產,而是取決於法律上的補救是否不足:Adderley v Dixon(1824) 1 Sim & St 607。由於土地本質上被視為獨一無二,而足以購買重置土地的損害賠償不足,因而此原則主要應用於售賣土地或土地權益的合約上:Cohen v Roche [1927] 1 KB 169。另見 Chattel; Damages; Equity; Specific performance。




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