

单词 Consciousness of guilt
释义 得知有罪
The state of mind of an accused person, involving an awareness that he or she was guilty of the offence charged and was attempting by conduct, about which evidence is given in court, to avoid the consequences of that crime. Consciousness of guilt is circumstantial evidence admissible on the question of guilt or as corroboration of a witness and is proved, for example, by lies told by the accused either before or during the trial: R v Mo Shiu Shing [1999] 1 HKC 43; HKSAR v Chan Chun Tak [1999] 1 HKC 169 (CA); or the flight of the accused before or after arrest: R v Chiu Siu Tung [1996] 2 HKC 545 (CA); Chan Kwok Keung & Anor v R [1989] 2 HKC 9. See also Circumstantial evidence; Corroboration.
被控人的精神狀態足以知悉對被控罪行有罪及從行為上(向法庭提出證據)企圖避免承擔該罪行的後果。證明得知有罪靠可接納為有罪的證據或證人佐證的環境證據,例如被控人在審判前或後所說謊言:R v Mo Shiu Shing [1999] 1 HKC 43;HKSAR v Chan Chun Tak [1999] 1 HKC 169 (上訴法院) ;或被控人被捕前或後逃走:R v Chiu Siu Tung [1996] 2 HKC 545 (上訴法院) ;Chan Kwok Keung & Anor v R [1989] 2 HKC 9。另見 Circumstantial evidence; Corroboration。




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