

单词 Identity card
释义 身分證
A document issued by the Commissioner of Registration acknowledging that the holder has applied to be registered under the Registration of Persons Ordinance (Cap 177): Immigration Ordinance (Cap 115) s 17G(1). It contains a statement that the holder has the right of abode in Hong Kong. Every person in Hong Kong is required to be registered, unless exempted or excluded: ss 3, 7; Registration of Persons Regulations (Cap 177A) reg 25, 25A. That person must report to a registration officer, apply to be registered and apply for an identity card within 30 days of his entering Hong Kong, or, if he is already in Hong Kong when he becomes required to be registered, within 30 days of the date when he is so required, whichever is the sooner. That person shall have his photograph taken by a registration officer, his left and right thumb-prints taken and recorded, shall furnish his particulars, such as his full name, residential address, nationality, place of birth, date and year of birth and number of birth certificate, sex, profession or occupation, travel document. The identity card includes the following particulars: the full personal name and surname of the applicant in English or in English and Chinese, the Chinese commercial code, his date of birth, identification number, date of issue of the card, his photograph, such data, symbols, letters of numbers representing prescribed information, particulars or data. For a smart identity card, the data stored in the chip includes template of the applicant’s thumb-prints, and where the applicant does not have a right of abode, the conditions of stay. Every person who has attained the age of 15 years and is the holder of an identity card shall have with him at all times proof of his identity: Immigration Ordinance (Cap 115) s 17C(1). He shall on demand produce it for inspection by any police officer or any immigration officer or immigration assistant: s 17C(2). Any person who fails to produce the identity card commits an offence and is liable to a fine: s 17C(3). It is an offence for any person who without lawful authority or reasonable excuses uses or has in his custody or possession a forged identity card, or an identity card which relates to another person: Registration of Persons Ordinance (Cap 177) s 7A(1). Where the circumstances are otherwise the same, the sentence ought to be the same whether the identity card was forged or related to another person, and there are differences in the sentence, depends on whether the offender’s presence in Hong Kong is legal or illegal, and if it is legal, whether he has used, intends to use or has merely found it: HKSAR v Chan Man Mo [2001] 1 HKLRD 121.
由人事登記處處長發出的文件,表明持有人已申請根據《人事登記條例》(第177章)予以登記:《入境條例》(第115章)第17G(1)條。身分證載有持有人擁有香港居留權的聲明。除非獲豁免或排除,否則任何香港人均須申請登記:《人事登記條例》(第177章)第3及 7條;《人事登記規例》(第177A章) 第25及25A條規例。有關人士須向登記主任報告、申請登記、以及在進入香港境內後30日內申請身份證、或如該人在須登記時經已在香港境內、則在該人須登記時的30日內(以較早發生者為準)。該人須由登記主任拍照、取得及紀錄該人的左拇指指模及右拇指指模、並須提交其詳情,例如全名、住宅地址、國藉、出生地、出生日期及年份、出生證明書的編號、性別、職業或工作、以及旅遊文件。身分證包括下列詳情:申請人的芵文或中芵文全名和姓氏、中文商用電碼、出生日期、身分證號碼、簽發日期、申請人的照片、以及代表訂明資料、詳情或數據的資料、符號和字母數字。就智能身分證而言,貯存在昌片的資料包括申請人指模的樣版,此外,如有關申請人沒有居留權,則列明逗留的條件:任何人如年滿15歲;及是身分證持有人,即須時刻隨身攜帶其身分證明文件:《入境條例》(第115章)第17C(1)條。須攜帶身分證明文件的人,在下述人員規定下須出示身分證明文件以供查閱─(a) 任何警務人員;(b) 任何入境事務主任或入境事務助理員:第17C(2)條。任何人如未能規定出示身分證明文件以供查閱,即屬犯罪,經定罪後,可處罰款:第17C(3)條。任何人無合法權限或合理辯解,而使用或保管或管有涉及另一人的偽造身分證,即屬犯罪:《人事登記條例》(第177章)第7A(1)條。如有關情況在其他情況下相同,則不論身分證是偽造的或涉及另一人的,有關刑罰應相同,此外,視乎有關罪犯在香港的出現是合法的或非的,有關的刑罰有差異(如屬合法,則不論他/她是否己使用、意圖使用或純粹已找到):HKSAR v Chan Man Mo [2001] 1 HKLRD 121。




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