

单词 Right to freedom of religion
释义 宗教自由的權利
The right to freedom of religion includes freedom to have or to adopt a religion of his choice, and freedom, alone or in community with others, and in public or private, to manifest his religion in worship, observance, practice and teaching; the freedom to manifest one’s religion may be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary for the protection of public safety, order, health, or morals or the fundamental rights and freedoms of others: Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance (Cap 383) art 15(1), (3); International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966, art 18(1), (3). Hong Kong residents are to have freedom of conscience and freedom of religious belief and freedom to preach and to conduct and participate in religious activities in public: Basic Law art 32.
宗教自由的權利,包括保有或採奉自擇之宗教或信仰之自由,及單獨或集體、公開或私自以禮拜、戒律、躬行及講授表示其宗教或信仰之自由;人人表示其宗教或信仰之自由,非依法律,不受限制,此項限制以保障公共安全、秩序、衛生或風化或他人之基本權利自由所必要者為限:《香港人權法案條例》(第383章)第8條第十五(一)及(三)條;《1966年公民權利和政治權利國際公約》 第18(1)及(3)條。香港居民有信仰及宗教信仰的自由,有公開傳教和舉行、參加宗教活動的自由:《基本法》第32條。




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