

单词 Pilot
释义 領港員/領航
1. In maritime law, a person who controls, or is in charge of, the navigation of a ship of which he is not the master; and when used as a verb, to control, or be in charge of, the navigation of a ship: Pilotage Ordinance (Cap 84) s 2. Apprentice pilots must be registered with the Pilotage Authority: Pilotage Order (Cap 84C) s 3. An apprentice pilot who passes the relevant examination in relation to his competence to pilot ships, physical and mental fitness and eyesight, will be issued a pilotage licence of the appropriate class: Pilotage Ordinance (Cap 84) ss 7, 8. A licensed pilot is subject to periodic re-examination as to his physical and mental fitness and his eyesight: s 10(1). A person shall not pilot a ship, unless he is a licensed pilot and his licence is of the appropriate class: s 11(1), (2). The owner or master of a vessel navigating under circumstances in which pilotage is compulsory shall be answerable for any loss or damage caused by the vessel or by any fault of the navigation of the vessel in the same manner as he would if pilotage were not compulsory: s 24. A licensed pilot shall not be liable in damages for neglect or want of skill on his part while piloting a ship for any amount exceeding in the aggregate the sum of HK$1,000 and the amount of pilotage dues payable in respect of pilotage services rendered by him for that ship: s 24A. 2. A person who controls the operation of an aircraft and forms part of the flight crew. See also Aircraft; Cargo; Crew; Flight crew; Licence; Navigation; Passenger; Pilot in command; Pilotage; Ship.
1. 海事法中,指控制或負責任何船隻的航行但非該船隻船長的人;用作動詞時,意指控制或負責任何船隻的航行:《領港條例》(第84章)第2條。見習領港員須向領港事務監督辦理登記:《領港令》(第84C章)第3條。見習領港員如通過有關考試,證明有足夠能力、體格良好、精神健全以及視力正常,可獲發給訂明級別的領港執照:《領港條例(第84章)第7及8條。持有執照的領港員須定期接受體格、精神及視力的覆檢: 《領港條例》(第84章)第10條。任何人不得為任何船隻領航,除非該人為持有執照的領港員, 並且,他的執照屬適當級別的執照:第11(1)及(2)條。如任何船隻在必須接受領航的情況下航行,船東或船長須對該船隻或該船隻在航行上的任何錯誤所引致的損失或損壞負責,情況與領航非屬強迫性時相同:第24條。任何持有執照的領港員,均無須就在為任何船舶領港時其本身的疏忽或缺乏技術,對任何總計超逾1000港元之數另加須就他為該船舶所提供的領港服務而支付的領港費的款項,負上作出損害賠償的法律責任:第24A條。  2.控制航空器的操作及組成全體機務人員的一部份的人。另見 Aircraft; Cargo; Crew; Flight crew; Licence; Navigation; Passenger; Pilot in command; Pilotage; Ship。n.




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