

单词 Pilfering
释义 偷竊
In marine insurance law, theft of the cargo of a ship. Theft by a carrier, by a crew member or other servant, or by an agent, is the responsibility of the carrier, whether or not the offender was acting within the scope of his or her employment: Leesh River Tea Co Ltd v British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd (The Chyebassa) [1967] 2 QB 250, [1966] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 193. The implied warranty of the provision of a bullion room reasonably fit to resist thieves has been recognised: Queensland National Bank Ltd v Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co [1898] 1 QB 567. Generally, no lock or grille shall be fitted on the outside of any door providing means of egress from any place allocated for the accommodation of unberthed passengers to any weather deck: Merchant Shipping (Minimum Passenger Space) Regulations (Cap 369E) reg 17(1). In order to prevent the pilferage of cargo stored in any space or compartment not allocated for the carriage of passengers, a strong lock, operable only from the inside, may be fitted to the inside doors providing ingress to and egress from such spaces or compartments: reg 17(2). See also Larceny; Stealing; Theft.
在海上保險法中,指盜竊船上的貨物。承運人、船員、其他受僱人士、或代理人的盜竊行為,均為承運人的責任,無論犯罪者的行為是否在其受僱範圍之內:Leesh River Tea Co Ltd v British India Steam Navigation Co Ltd (The Chyebassa) [1967] 2 QB 250, [1966] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 193。 在金銀倉條文中的隱含保證,亦可合理地適用於抗拒已確認的盜竊行為:Queensland National Bank Ltd v Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co [1898] 1 QB 567。一般來說,撥作無鋪位乘客起居用的空間或艙室設置出口通道往任何露天甲板的門,外面不得安裝門鎖或格柵:《商船(最少乘客空間)規例》(第369E章)第17(1)條。為防止貯存在並非撥作運載乘客用的任何空間或艙室內的貨物失竊,可在用以出入該等空間或艙室的內門安裝一把堅固的門鎖,該門鎖必須只可從門內操作:第17(2)條的規定。另見 Larceny; Stealing; Theft。n.




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