

单词 Right to legal representation
释义 有法律代表的權利
The right to be represented by a person with legal qualifications in a court of law. Before many courts, tribunals and inquiries a right to legal representation is expressly conferred by statute: for example, Securities and Futures Commission Ordinance (Cap 24) s 21(5); Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123) s 52. In a few cases the right of parties to be legally represented is specifically excluded by statute, for example, the Small Claims Tribunal (Small Claims Tribunal Ordinance (Cap 338) s 19(2)), and the Labour Tribunal (Labour Tribunal Ordinance (Cap 25) s 23). In the absence of statutory provision there is no common law right to be legally represented: R v Board of Visitors of HM Prison, The Maze, ex p Hone [1988] 1 AC 379, 1 All ER 321 (HL). A tribunal is master of its own procedure and has, as an incident to this power, a discretion to determine whether or not to permit legal representation and, if so, what categories of person to admit as advocates: R v Board of Visitors of HM Prison, The Maze, ex p Hone, supra. This discretion must be exercised, however, in accordance with the rules of natural justice: R v Secretary of State for Home Department, ex p Tarrant [1985] QB 251, [1984] 1 All ER 799 (CA). Whether a fair hearing requires that the parties be legally represented in a particular case, so that the tribunal could not properly refuse such representation, will depend on such factors as the seriousness of the charge and the potential penalty, whether any points of law are likely to arise, procedural difficulties, the need for a speedy determination, the need for fairness and the capacity of the person affected to present his case: R v Hong Kong Polytechnic, ex p Jenny Chua Yee-yen (1992) 2 HKPLR 34. In criminal proceedings, it is guaranteed that an accused person may defend himself through legal assistance of his own choosing: Hong Kong Bill of Right (Cap 383) s 8 art 11(2)(d). If a party is present but not legally represented and proceedings take a course not necessarily anticipated at the outset, an adjournment may be necessary to give that party the opportunity of being heard through the mouth of a trained and experienced person: Somerset County Council v Brice [1973] 3 All ER 438, 1 WLR 1169 (DC). See also Duty solicitor; Right to fair trial.
在法院由符合法律資格的人士代表的權利。法律訂明在眾多法院、審裁處及研訴有法律代表的權利:《證券及期貨事務監察委員會條例》(第24章)第21(5)條;《建築物條例》(第 123章)第52條。法規指明在少數案件,排除當事人有法律代表的權利,例如小額錢債審裁處(《小額錢債審裁處條例》(第338章)第8條第十九(二)條),和勞資審裁處(《勞資審裁處條例》(第25章)第23條)。在沒有法律下,便沒有普通法法律代表的權利:R v Board of Visitors of HM Prison, The Maze, ex p Hone [1988] AC 379, 1 All ER 321(上議院)。審裁處有權控制本身的法律程序,及作為此權的符帶條件,有酌情權決定訴訟人是否可以有法律代表,如許可,則決定獲接納為出庭辯護人的種類: R v Board of Visitors of HM Prison, The Maze, ex p Hone, 見上文。但必須按照自然公正的規則行使此酌情權:R v Secretary of State for Home Department, ex p Tarrant [1985] QB 251, [1984] 1 All ER 799(英國上訴法院)。是否須要在個別案件有法律代表以構成公平的聆訊,從而審裁處不能拒絕有關的代表,視乎下列的因素:控罪的嚴重性及可能的判罰、是否相當可能產生任何法律要點、程序上的困難程度、迅速作出判決的需要、公平的需要及受影響人士呈示其案件的資格: R v Hong Kong Polytechnic, ex p Jenny Chua Yee-yen (1992) 2 HKPLR 34。在刑事訴訟程序,保證被控人可透過他自己選任的辯護人為他自己辯護:《香港人權法案條例》(第 383章)第8條第十一(二)(d)條。如當事人出庭但沒有法律代表,而有關的法律程序與一開始預計的過程不同,或須休庭使有關的當事人有機會透過已受訓及有經驗的人為他進行聆訊:Somerset County Council v Brice [1973] 3 All ER 438, 1 WLR 1169 (英國地方法院)。另見 Duty solicitor; Right to fair trial。




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