

单词 Unless contrary intention appears
释义 除非另載相反意圖
A qualification used in statutory provisions defining words and phrases. Whether it is so stated or not, a statutory definition does not apply if the contrary intention appears from the legislation in which the defined term is used, such as when an enactment implies that in certain circumstances a definition is not to apply. The burden of showing a contrary intention rests on the person alleging it: Sin Poh Amalgamated (Hongkong) Ltd v A-G [1963] HKLR 77. A specific definition in an Ordinance designed to deal with only one topic shows a contrary intention, and therefore the definition in the Ordinance takes precedence over that in the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1): A-G v Ng Kwan [1987] 1 HKC 183 (CA). See also Proviso.
在法定條文界定字句時用的限制或保留。無論是否有列明,如使用已界定的詞語的法例另載相反意圖,則法定的定義不適用,例如某成文法則默示在若干情況下某定義不適用。證明相反意圖的責任由提出指控的人負上:Sin Poh Amalgamated (Hongkong) Ltd v A-G [1963] HKLR 77。如某法例擬處理僅一項主題,而其特定定義顯示相反意圖,則該法例中的定義的重要程度高於《釋義及通則條例》(第1章)中的定義:A-G v Ng Kwan [1987] 1 HKC 183 (上訴法庭)。另見 Proviso。




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