

单词 Identification parade
释义 列隊認人
A line-up of a sufficient number of persons with approximately the same physical description to enable a witness to attempt a visual identification of an accused without assistance. There are no statutory rules as to the conduct of identification parades in Hong Kong, but the police are given instructions as to the conduct of identification parades. Identification parade must be conducted fairly and in a manner which avoids the witness seeing the accused prior to the parade and there are no suggestion to the witness as to which of the persons on the parade is the suspect nor should the witness be given a description of the suspect: R v Dickman (1910) 5 Cr App Rep 135 (CCA). There are no fixed requirements as to the number of actors that must be on parade with the accused: R v Wong Shing [1977-1979] 1 HKC 464 (HC). An accused is under no obligation to participate in an identification parade and the court may not draw an inference of guilt from the fact that the accused refused to participate: R v Ip Lai Sheung [1988] 1 HKC 260 (CA). Where an accused refused to participate in an identification parade, other methods may be employed to identify an accused, for example by confrontation. See also Identification evidence.
由若干有大致相同身體特徵的人排列成行,目的是讓證人能在沒有協助的情況下,嘗試以視覺辨識被控人。香港並沒有關於列隊認人的處理方式的法規,但對警方則有列隊認人的處理方式的指令。必須公正地進行列隊認人,並應避免證人在列隊認人前看見被控人,此外,不能向證人透露列隊中誰是疑犯,亦不應向證人描述有關的疑犯:R v Dickman (1910) 5 Cr App Rep 135(刑事上訴法院)。就與被控人一起排列成行的人所需的數目而言,沒有固定的要求:R v Wong Shing [1977-1979] 1 HKC 464 (高等法院)。指控人沒有法律責任參與列隊認人,法庭亦不可就指控人拒絕參與的事實作出有罪的推定:R v Ip Lai Sheung [1988] 1 HKC 260(上訴法院)。凡指控人拒絕參與列隊認人,則可以使用其他的辨識被控人的方法,例如對質。另見 Identification evidence。




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