

单词 Call on shares
释义 催繳股款
The process by which a company resolves that a member or members should pay a specified sum in respect shares held. The company’s power to make a call is usually governed by its articles of association, and is usually vested in the board of directors. A company may demand shareholders for payment upon calling on their shares, if provided by its Articles: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) sch 1 table A arts 15-21. Ordinarily, payments made on application for, or allotment of, shares, are not calls: Cameron v FCT (1941) 64 CLR 361. See also Capital.
公司決定某成員或某些成員應根據持有的股份繳付特定金額的過程。公司進行催繳的權力經常由組織章程細則規定,並經常授予董事會。如組織細則規定,公司可要求股東支付催繳的股款:《公司條例》(第32章)附表1表A第15至21條。一般而言,申請認股或股份分配時的繳款不屬催繳:Cameron v FCT (1941) 64 CLR 361。另見 Capital。




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