

单词 Enforcement notice
释义 強制執行通知書
A notice served by the Director of Planning on a land owner, occupier or a person responsible for any unauthorised development on the land, to discontinue the development that is in breach of planning law: Town Planning Ordinance (Cap 131) s 23(1). Notice would be served where a land designated as recreation zone is used as vehicle depot (S-J v Lain Fung Transportation Co Ltd & Ors [1999] 1 HKC 505, 1 HKLRD 830) or where there is material change in the use of land (R v Way Luck Industrial Ltd [1995] 2 HKC 290 (HC)). See also Enforcement; Notice.
指規劃署署長向可土地擁有人、佔用人或負責該違例發展的人送達的通知書,可在通知書內規定中止違反規劃法律的發展:《城市規劃條例》(第 131章)第23(1)條。如將指定為康樂用途的地帶用作為車庫(S-J v Lain Fung Transportation Co Ltd & Ors [1999] 1 HKC 505, 1 HKLRD 830),或如 在土地用途上有關鍵性的改變 (R v Way Luck Industrial Ltd [1995] 2 HKC 290 (高等法院)),則會送達通知書。另見 Enforcement; Notice。




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