

单词 Fit for habitation
释义 適宜居住的
A place which is decently fit for a human being to live in: Jones v Geen [1925] 1 KB 659 (DC). Generally speaking, there is no implied warranty or condition on the part of a landlord that the demised premises are fit for habitation. However, as to the letting of a furnished house, there is an implied condition that it is in a fit state for habitation at the commencement of the tenancy, and if this condition is not fulfilled, the tenant is entitled to repudiate the contract at once: Smith v Marrable (1843) 11 M & W 5. Such implied condition may also be treated as a warranty in which the tenant may recover damages for the breach from the landlord: Harrison v Malet (1886) 3 TLR 58. However, such implied condition or warranty relates only to the state of the premises at the commencement of the tenancy and that there is no such implied term that they are to continue fit for habitation throughout the term of the tenancy: Sarson v Roberts [1895] 2 QB 395 (CA). See also Tenantable repair.
相當不錯而適宜人居住的地方:Jones v Geen [1925] 1 KB 659(英國地方法院)。概括而言,業主方面並沒有作出批租處所是適宜居住的隱含保證或給予批租處所是適宜居住的隱含條件。但連家具租出的房屋,則附有隱含條件,即在租賃開始時房屋的狀態是適宜居住的,但如未能履行此等條件,租客有權立刻廢除合約:Smith v Marrable (1843) 11 M & W 5。此等隱含條件亦可被視為一項保證,即租客可就違反保證向業主追討損害賠償:Harrison v Malet (1886) 3 TLR 58。但該等隱含條件或保證,僅與租賃開始時處所的狀態有關,因此沒有隱含在租賃期限內適宜居住的狀態會自始至終持續的條款:Sarson v Roberts [1895] 2 QB 395 (芵國上訴法院)。另見 Tenantable repair。




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