

单词 Book
释义 書刊、簿冊
Bound leaves of paper containing printed material; leaves fastened together as a volume but not in a way that the leaves may be taken out and substituted.
Companies and Corporations - It refers to accounts, deeds, writings, documents, statutory registers of members, charges and the minutes of directors’ and shareholders’ meetings. See also Book debt; Mandatory books.
Media and communications - It includes any volume, part or division of a volume; every magazine, journal, annual report, or other similar kind of periodical publication; and every pamphlet, sheet of music, map, chart table or plan which is separately printed or produced: Books Registration Ordinance (Cap 142) s 2. It may also include a document, periodical, magazine, newspaper, pamphlet, music-score, picture, print, engraving etching, deed, photograph, map, chart, plan or manuscript, and any other article or thing of a like nature provided for the use of the public in any library: Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap 132) s 2. See also Library material; Newspaper.
公司及法團 -   指帳目、契據、文字、文件、法定成員登記冊、押記、董事及股東會議記錄。另見 Book debt; Mandatory books。
傳媒與通訊 -   包括每一冊書、一冊書的部分或分冊;所有雜誌、期刊、年報,或其他同類的定期刊物;及各別印刷或製作的所有小冊子、樂譜、地圖、圖表、列表或圖則﹕《書刊註冊條例》(第142章)第2條。亦可包括文件、期刊、雜誌、報紙、冊子、樂譜、圖畫、印刷品、雕刻版書畫、蝕刻書畫、契據、照片、地圖、圖表、圖則或手稿,及在任何圖書館內供公眾使用的其他同類性質的物品或東西﹕《公眾衛生及市政條例》(第132章)第2條。另見 Library material; Newspaper。n.




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