

单词 Gross indecency
释义 嚴重猥褻
An indecent act with genitalia such as masturbation or touching (R v Speck [1977] 2 All ER 859, 65 Cr App Rep 161 (CA)) but may also include inactivity and need not involve physical contact: (R v Jeffrey Savage [1997] HKLRD 428 (CA), 2 HKC 768 (CA)). An act which, according to the customs and morals of society at the time of the act, represented a marked departure from decent conduct expected of the average person which is more serious than simply indecency and which would be considered grossly indecent by any right-thinking member of society: R v Savage, supra. It is opposed to indecency, and requires consideration of the nature of the act, the circumstances in which it was committed and the time and place of commission and involves a marked departure from decent conduct: R v Savage, supra.
牽涉生殖器官的不雅行為,例如手淫或觸摸 (R v Speck [1977] 2 All ER 859, 65 Cr App Rep 161 (芵國上訴法院))但亦包括不活動及無需涉及身體接:(R v Jeffrey Savage [1997] HKLRD 428(上訴法庭), 2 HKC 768(上訴法庭))。根據作出某行為時的社會習俗和道德觀念,指表示與普通人所預期的合乎體統的行為有顯著偏差的行為,即比單純的不雅更為嚴重,以及所有具備正確想法的社會人士會視該行為為嚴重猥褻:R v Savage,見上文。與合乎體統相對,並須考慮有關行為的性質、犯有關罪行的情況、時間和地點,並與合乎體統的行為有顯著的偏差:R v Savage, 見上文。




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