

单词 Classification
释义 分類
In private international law, the process of deciding which legal rules govern the issue in a case. The court will first look to the indicative choice of law rules to identify which legal system should be used to settle the dispute, then to the dispositive rules of that legal system. Each choice of law rule contains a ‘connecting factor’ linking the facts of the case to the legal system of the jurisdiction whose law is to be applied. For example, formalities of marriage are governed by the law of the place of celebration. See also Conflict of laws; Connecting factor; Domicile; Private international law.
國際私法中作出決定的過程,該決定是關於規管某案件中的爭論點的法則。法庭首先依據暗示性的法律選擇,辨別應使用何種法律制度以調解該爭議,然後考慮該法律制度的決定性法規。每一法律選擇含有一「聯繫因素」,將該案件的事實與該其法律所引用的司法管轄區的司法制度連結起來。舉例說,婚姻的正式手續是由舉行婚禮的地方的法律規限。另見 Conflict of laws; Connecting factor; Domicile; Private international law。n.




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