

单词 Bona fide
释义 真誠
Lat – in good faith; with sincerity. 1. In law, to do something in good faith or with an honest intention. It requires a genuine and honest absence of notice and an inquiry into the conscience of the purchaser of the property: Midland Bank Trust Co Ltd v Green [1981] AC 513; Cheung Pik Wan & Anor v Tong Sau Ping [1986] HKLR 921 (HC). It means an absence of ‘actual fraud’: Kwok Siu Lau v Kan Yang Che (1913) 8 HKLR 52; Land Registration Ordinance (Cap 128). 2. In common usage, true, genuine, sincere, not a fake. However, this is not a correct legal usage. See also Duty to disclose; Fiduciary duty; Good faith; Mala fide; Notice; Uberrimae fidei.
拉丁語 – 善意、誠意。 1. 在法律上,指善意地或以誠實的意圖行事。所需的是在真實及誠實的情況下,沒有發出通知及查訊有關財物購買人是否真心真意:Midland Bank Trust Co Ltd v Green [1981] AC 513; Cheung Pik Wan & Anor v Tong Sau Ping [1986] HKLR 921(高等法院) 。即表示沒有「實際的欺詐」:Kwok Siu Lan v Kam Yang Chee (1913) 8 HKLR 52;《土地註冊條例》(第128章)。 2. 一般的用法指正確、真正、誠意、並非偽造的意思。但這不是正確的法律慣用法。另見 Duty to disclose; Fiduciary duty; Good faith; Mala fide; Notice; Uberrimae fidei。




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