

单词 Common law jurisdiction
释义 普通法司法管轄區
The jurisdiction of courts which exercise their powers according to the principles of the common law. Common law jurisdiction means a jurisdiction in which the law is substantially based on common law: Overseas Lawyers (Qualification for Admission) Rules (Cap 159Q) s 1. It refers to those jurisdictions which rely to a greater or lesser extent upon the common law to define some offences and provide the practice and procedure, as opposed to the civil law or code law. In common law jurisdictions, the method of resolving legal disputes is to treat the opposing sides as adversaries. In a civil matter they are the plaintiff and the defendant, while in a criminal case they are the state and the accused. The judge or magistrate is only playing a neutral role or a role of referee. Examples of common law jurisdiction include England, Australia, South Africa and Hong Kong. See also Common law; Common law offence.
法院按照普通法原則行使司法權的司法管轄區。普通法司法管轄區指的是法律實質上以普通法作為依據的司法管轄區:《海外律師(資格認許)規則》(第159Q章)第1條。這個詞指的是,在較大或較小程度上依賴普通法(相對於大陸法和法典法),來界定某些罪行及規定常規及程序的司法管轄區。在普通法司法管轄區內,解決紛爭的法律方法是將訴訟各方視為相互對訟。在民事案件,對訟的是原告和被告,而在刑事案件中對訟的則是國家與被控人。法官和裁判官則純粹擔任中立角色,或一個仲裁人的角色。普通法司法管轄區包括英國、澳洲、南非和香港。另見 Common law; Common law offence。




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