

单词 Voir dire
释义 預備訊問
OF – voir – true, dire – a trial within a trial. A proceeding where it is necessary to determine facts to provide the basis for the admissibility of evidence and issues concerning the veracity of witnesses: R v Lai Check-hong (CACC 71/96, unreported). Examples of matters to be determined on a voir dire include whether a witness should be declared hostile, whether a child is competent to give evidence, or whether a confession was voluntary. In the case of confession evidence, a voir dire may be held, usually before the trial starts, to decide the admissibility of the confession. In a jury trial, the voir dire should be conducted in the absence of the jury. Procedure on the voir dire will be determined according to the incidence of the burden of proof. The voir dire is not necessary in order to resolve all objections to the admissibility of evidence: R v Beveridge (1987) 85 Cr App Rep 255 (CA). Where a voir dire is heard during the prosecution case, the judge should rule on the admissibility of the evidence impugned in the voir dire before the close of the prosecution case: R v Kwan Wai-hung [1973–1976] HKC 449 (CA). It is not necessary for a judge to give reasons for his decision on a voir dire: R v Chan King Hei [1995] 2 HKC 681 (CA).
古法語 - voir - 真實的,dire - 審訊內的審訊。須對事實作出裁定的法律程序,以作為證據的可接納性及涉及證人真實性的爭論點的基礎:R v Lai Check-hong(刑事上訴1996年第71號,未經彙報)。就若干事宜須以預備訊問的形式作出裁定,該等事宜包括:是否應宣布某證人屬於敵意證人、某兒童是否有足夠能力作出證供、或某供認是否出於自願。預備訊問通常在審訊前展開,並可藉以決定供認是否可獲接納。在有陪審團情況下進行的審訊中,預備訊問應在陪審團缺席的情況下進行。預備訊問的程序會按照舉證責任的情況決定。預備訊問無須解決涉及證據可接納性的所有異議:R v Beveridge (1987) 85 Cr App Rep 255(芵國上訴法院)。凡在檢控案件期間進行預備訊問的聆訊,法官應在檢控案件結束前,就於預備訊問中受質疑的證據的可接納性作出裁定:R v Kwan Wai-hung [1973–1976] HKC 449(上訴法庭)。法官無須就其在預備訊問中作出的決定給予理由:R v Chan King Hei [1995] 2 HKC 681(上訴法庭)。




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