

单词 Misjoinder
释义 不當合併

The wrongful addition or inclusion of a party or charge. The question of joinder was a matter of practice and procedure but not jurisdiction: HKSAR v Cheng Kan & Ors [1998] 2 HKC 709.
Criminal - The charging of separate counts arising out of transactions having no connection with each other or of adding the wrong additional defendant. The charging of two or more offences may not be joined in one indictment unless they are founded on the same facts, or form or are part of a series of offences of the same or a similar character: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 18; Indictment Rules (Cap 221C) r 7; Magistrate Ordinance (Cap 227) s 10(2). Where an indictment contains substantive counts and a related conspiracy count, the judge should require the prosecution to justify the joinder, otherwise the prosecution should elect whether to proceed on the substantive or on the conspiracy counts: Hong Kong Practice Direction 9.1 [2001] HKPD 67. See also Joinder.
Practice and Procedure - The improper joining together of parties to a suit or of different causes of action. No cause or matter shall be defeated by reason of misjoinder: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 15 r 6(1). The improper party may be ordered to cease to be a party to the action either on the Court’s own motion or on application: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 15 r 6(2)(a). An application to strike out a claim against a defendant on the basis that it does not disclose a reasonable cause of action is made under the Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 18 r 19 (1). See also Joinder; Null and void.
指某一方或某一項控罪的錯誤加入或包含。合併的問題屬慣例及法律程序的事項,而並非司法管轄權的事項:HKSAR v Cheng Kan & Ors [1998] 2 HKC 709。
刑法 -   指從互不相連的事務引起的罪名分別作出控告或加入錯誤的被告人。就兩項或以上罪行所提出的控罪不得合併於同一公訴書內,除非基於相同的事實,或組成一連串性質相同或相類的罪行或是其部分:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第18條;公訴書規則(第221C章)第7條;《裁判官條例》(第227章)第10條(2)。當公訴書包含實質的罪行及某一項有關的串謀罪行,法官須要求控方列出理由證明該項合併,否則控方須選擇就實質的罪行或串謀罪行作出起訴:香港執業指引 9.1[2001] HKPD 67。另見 Joinder。
慣例與法律程序 - 各方就某項訴訟或不同的訴訟理由而不當地合併。訟案或事宜不因任何一方的不當合併而不得進行:高等法院規則(第4A章)第15號命令第6條規則(1)。法庭可主動或應申請命令任何不恰當地成為一方的人停止成為一方:高等法院規則(第4A章)第15號命令第6條規則(2)(a)。剔除針對某被告人所作出的申索申請可基於它不披露一個合理的訴訟理由的標準而根據高等法院規則(第4A章)第18號命令第19條規則(1)作出。另見 Joinder; Null and void。n.





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