

单词 Arrears
释义 欠款

A term commonly used to describe sums overdue and payable in respect of periods of time, for example, unpaid rent, unpaid interest, and unpaid maintenance: Queen Anne’s Bounty v Tithe Redemption Commission [1938] Ch 229. Distress for arrears of rent: Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance (Cap 7) s 102; certificate of arrears: Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) Ordinance (Cap 188) s 2. See also Distress for rent; Maintenance; Mortgagee’s power of sale; Relief against forfeiture.
通常指在某段時間內應繳付而過期未付的款項,例如拖欠的租款、利息或贍養費:Queen Anne’s Bounty v Tithe Redemption Commission [1938] Ch 229。為追索欠租而作出的扣押:《業主與租客(綜合)條例》(第7章)第102條;欠款證明書:《贍養令(交互強制執行)條例》第188章第2條。另見 Distress for rent; Maintenance; Mortgagee’s power of sale; Relief against forfeiture。n.





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