

单词 Memorandum
释义 備忘錄
Lat – a note intended to refresh the memory; a record made for future reference; an informal letter from one official to another. In company law, it means ‘memorandum of association’. Examples of documents which have been held to constitute a sufficient memorandum: a rough draft in which the parties contemplate the execution of a more formal agreement (Gray v Smith (1889) 43 Ch D 208 (CA)); a receipt (Luxor International Travel Items Inc v Tsui Hing Fat (t/a Kar Lai Industrial Co) [1993] 2 HKLR 140). Letters may be a sufficient memorandum of an oral agreement: Deneault v Yangtzekiang Garment Manufacturing Co Ltd [1977] HKLR 320 (CA). Pl – Memoranda. See also Memorandum of association.
拉丁語 ─ 為喚起記憶的短箋;作日後參考的記錄;一官員發給另一官員的非正式書函。就公司法而言,指「組織章程大綱」。就合約法言,書面的記錄僅須為合約的證據。已被裁定為足以構成備忘錄的文件例子有:合約各方考慮簽訂更正式合約的草稿(Gray v Smith (1889) 43 Ch D 208 (英國上訴法院));收據(Luxor International Travel Items Inc v Tsui Hing Fat (t/a Kar Lai Industrial Co) [1993] 2 HKLR 140)。信函可足夠作口頭協議之備忘錄:Deneault v Yangtzekiang Garment Manufacturing Co Ltd [1977] HKLR 320 (上訴法院)。眾數 – Memoranda。另見 Memorandum of association。n.




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