单词 | Passenger ship |
释义 | 客船 A ship carrying more than 12 passengers: Merchant Shipping (Safety) Ordinance (Cap 369) s 2(1). The Secretary for Economic Services may make regulations to govern the construction and survey of passenger ships: Merchant Shipping (Safety) (Passenger Ship Construction and Survey) (Ships Built On or After 1 September 1984) Regulations (Cap 369AM); Merchant Shipping (Safety) (Passenger Ship Construction) (Ships Built Before 1 September 1984) Regulations (Cap 369AL). A carrier of passengers has a duty of exercising all due, proper and reasonable care to see that whatever is required for the safe conveyance of its passengers in fit and proper order: Readhead v Midland Rly Co (1869) LR 4 QB 379, [1861-73] All ER Rep 30. It is the duty of a carrier to provide reasonable space or accommodation for the passengers: Merchant Shipping (Minimum Passenger Space) Regulations (Cap 369 E) reg 5. However, A carrier of passengers is generally not liable for delay in the absence of any warranty or a lack of due care: Crane v Tyne Shipping Co Ltd (1897) 13 TLR 172. See also Passenger; Ship. 運載超過十二名乘客的船舶:(見)《商船(安全)條例》(第369章)第2(1)條。經濟司可以制定規例,規管構造和檢驗客船的問題:《商船(安全)(客船構造及檢驗)(1984年9月1日或之後建造的船舶)規例》(第369AM章)和《商船(安全)(客船構造)(1984年9月1日之前建造的船舶)規例》(第369AL章)。載客人有責任採取一切應有、適當和合理的安全措施,確保已為保障乘客安全而作出適當的安排:Readhead v Midland Rly Co (1869) LR 4 QB 379, [1861-73] All ER Rep 30。載客人有責任為乘客提供合理的空間或艙室:《商船(最少乘客空間)規例》(第369E章)第5條規則。然而,載客人或機構在沒有任何保證條款或得不到應有照顧的情況下一般毋須為延誤負上責任:Crane v Tyne Shipping Co Ltd (1897) 13 TLR 172。另見 Passenger; Ship。 |
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