

单词 Corporate practice
释义 法團執業
A legal practitioner who works in-house to provide legal services solely to a corporation and is referred to as ‘corporate counsel’. An ‘in-house solicitor’ is not allowed to engage in contentious matter or act in any conveyancing transactions except as providing advice to the employer or giving instructions to Counsels. ‘In-house solicitors’ are required to hold current practising certificates if their functions involve the provision of legal advice or the conduct of litigation without charge for a fellow employee: The Hong Kong Solicitors’ Guide to Professional Conduct (Vol 1), Principle 2.10. See also Practising certificate; Private practice; Professional misconduct.
在機構內部工作的法律執業者,僅向一機構提供法律服務並被稱為法團律師者。(機構內部律師)除向僱主提供意見或向大律師發出指示外,不得參與爭訟事宜或處理物業轉易交易。如(機構內部律師)的職能涉及免費向僱員同事提供法律意見或進行訴訟,他或她須持有有效之執業證書:《香港律師專業操守指守》(第1冊)第2.10項原則。另見 Practising certificate; Private practice; Professional misconduct。




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