

单词 Arising out of or in the course of employment
释义 因工作及在工作期間
A phrase used in employees’ compensation legislation to determine entitlement to compensation; generally, an injury that arises out of or in the course of employment is compensable. The words ‘out of’ point to the origin or cause of the injury, and imports some kind of causal relationship with employment, but do not necessitate direct or physical causation. It is deemed to be arising out of and in the course of employment, for example, where an employee carried out an act for the purposes of and in connection with his employer’s trade or business, notwithstanding that the employee was at the time when the accident happened acting in contravention of any statutory or other regulation applicable to his employment, or of any orders given by or on behalf of his employer, or that he was acting without instructions from his employer: Employees’ Compensation Ordinance (Cap 282) s 5(4)(b); Yu Sang v International United Shipping Agency Ltd [1992] 1 HKC 542 (DC); Check Chor Ching v Wik Far East Ltd [1991] 1 HKC 296 (CA), 2 HKDCLR 71 (DC). See also Course of employment; Employees’ compensation.
在僱員補償法律中使用的字句,以確定應否得到賠償;一般而言,因工作及在工作期間發生的損傷是可獲補償。「因」指傷亡的源頭或原因,顯示與工作有某種因果關係,但並非一定指直接及實際原因。舉例說,當僱員所做的某一事情,是為僱主的業務或生意或與其有關而作出的,則儘管該僱員在意外發生時是違反了適用於他工作的法定或其他規例,或違反了僱主或僱主代表所發出的指令,或他所做的並未得到僱主的指令,但他仍視為是因工作及在工作期間受傷:《職員補償條例》(第282章)第5條(4)(b);Yu Sang v International United Shipping Agency Ltd [1992] 1 HKC 542(區域法院); Check Chor Ching v Wik Far East Ltd [1991] 1 HKC 296 (上訴法院), 2 HKDCLR 71(區域法院)。另見 Course of employment; Employees’ compensation。




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