

单词 Molest
释义 騷擾
To act with intent to annoy, and to annoy, a person with ordinary and reasonable feeling: Fearon v The Earl of Aylesford (1884) 14 QBD 792 (CA). Molestation may take place without the threat or use of violence and still be serious and inimical to mental and physical health: Davis v Johnson [1978] 1 All ER 1132 (HL). A person may give an undertaking to a court not to molest another: Fearon v The Earl of Aylesford, supra. Where a spouse’s intention in petitioning for divorce was primarily to annoy the other spouse, that act has been held to amount to molestation: Hunt v Hunt [1897] 2 QB 547 (CA). Upon application by a party to a marriage, the court has power to grant injunctions restraining the other party to the marriage from molesting the applicant or any child living with the applicant: Domestic Violence Ordinance (Cap 189) s 3(1). The court also has inherent jurisdiction in divorce proceedings to grant injunctions restraining molestation of one party to the marriage by the other: Horner v Horner [1982] 2 All ER 495 (CA). See also Abuse; Domestic violence; Hinder; Non-molestation order; Restraining order; Sexual abuse.
某人企圖對別人作出滋擾;而該滋擾令人產力平常及合理的反感情緒:Fearon v The Earl of Aylesford (1884) 14 QBD 792 (英國上訴法院)。在沒有使用恐嚇或暴力來打擾他人,但同樣地對他人的身心構成嚴重及有害的影響時,亦屬騷擾:Davis v Johnson [1978] 1 All ER 1132 (上議院)。法庭可要求某人承諾不對別人作滋擾之事:Fearon v The Earl of Aylesford, supra. 如某方配偶有意呈請辦理離婚手續,而此舉又對另一方配偶造成基本的滋擾時,這亦可構成騷擾:Hunt v Hung [1978] 2 QB 547 (英國上訴法院)。因應婚姻其中一方提出的申請,法庭有權向另一方發出禁制令,禁止另一方對申請人及任何跟申請人居住的兒童作出騷擾行為:《家庭暴力條例》第189章第3(1)條。於辦理離婚案件的程序中,法庭亦可以固有司法管轄權來發出禁制令,禁止其中一方配偶向另一方作出騷擾:Horner v Horner [1982] 2 All ER 495 (英國上訴法院)。另見 Abuse; Domestic violence; Hinder; Non-molestation order; Restraining order; Sexual abuse。v.




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