

单词 Force majeure
释义 不可抗力
OF – a coercion which cannot be resisted; a superior force. A circumstance beyond the control of a party to a contract, which enables that party to escape liability for failing to perform the contract as a result of the circumstance: Matsoukis v Priestman & Co [1915] 1 KB 681. First used in the Napoleonic Code, it has a more extensive meaning than the common law ‘act of God’ or vis major. It may include human acts (such as war, strikes, machinery breakdowns) as well as natural acts (such as storms, earthquakes): Matsoukis v Priestman & Co, supra. The concept includes the complete dislocation of business as a consequence of a general coal strike, or delay due to breakdown of machinery (not due to bad weather, football matches, or a funeral): Matsoukis v Priestman & Co, supra. In maritime law, force majeure includes a vessel’s seizure and carriage to a port by the vessel’s captors, or some casualty occurring in the course of the voyage compelling the vessel to put to shore for its or its cargo’s safety. It does not include a steamer running out of coal through mistake, or the inability of a vessel to sail because the master cannot procure the necessary funds for the voyage: The Concadoro [1916] 2 AC 199 (PC). It relieves the party in default from damages, penalties, and any other contractual sanctions; postpones the time for performance for a reasonable period; and prevents the other party from unilaterally terminating the contract. See also Act of God; Deviation; Frustration; Hardship; Peril of the sea.
古法語 – 不可抵抗的威迫;超自然的力量。指非合約一方所能控制的情況,使該方可逃避因該等情勢而未能履行合約的責任:Matsaukis v Priestman & Co [1915] 1 KB 681。不可抗力首次見於《拿破崙法典》,其涵義較普通法的「天災」或不可抗力(vis major)更廣泛。不可抗力可包括人的行為(例如戰爭、罷工及機械故障),以及自然災害 (例如暴風雨及地震):Riingstad v Gollin & Co Pty Ltd (1924) 35 CLR 303;Matsaukis v Priestman & Co, 見上文。不可抗力包括因一般煤礦罷工而造成的徹底業務混亂,或因機械故障而造成延誤(並非因惡劣天氣、足球比賽或喪禮造成):Matsaukis v Priestman & Co, 見上文。在海事法上,不可抗力包括船隻遭扣留,並由捕獲者運送至某港口、或在航程途中發生若干災害事故,為船隻或其貨物的安全而迫使船隻靠岸。不可抗力並不包括汽船因錯誤而耗光煤炭,或因船主不能獲取所需的費用而引致船隻無法航行:The Concadoro [1916] 2 AC 199(樞密院)。不可抗力免除不履行一方的損害賠償、刑罰及任何其他合約制裁;將履行合約的時間押後至一段合理的期間;及防止另一方單方面終止合約。另見 Act of God; Deviation; Frustration; Hardship; Peril of the sea。




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