

单词 Name
释义 名稱
A word or a combination of words by which a person, place, or thing, a body or class, or any object of thought, is designated or known. There is no property in a name as such, and consequently, in the absence of malicious intention or misrepresentation, a person has a right to use his own name or adopt another name for himself or his property as he pleases, even though inconvenience or annoyance may be caused: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 20, Personal Property [295.002]. In relation to partnership and joint ventures, the name under which partners carry on business is their firm name: Partnership Ordinance (Cap 38) s 6. The firm name is not the name of a corporation but the short name of the partners themselves: R v Holden [1912] 1 KB 483 (CCA). See also Forename; Surname.

用作標明或稱呼某人、地點,或東西、團體或界別,或任何思想的對象的文字或文字組合。名稱本身不包含在財產之內,而其後在沒有惡意意圖或失實陳述的情況下,任何人有權利使用其名稱或採用其他名稱作為其自身或其財產的名稱,只要該人認為合適,即使可導致不方便或煩擾:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第20冊,動產,第[295.002]段。就有關合夥人及聯營關係而言,其業務經營所用的名稱,則稱為商號名稱:《合夥條例》(第38章)第6條。商號名稱不是公司的名稱,而是合夥人名稱的縮寫:R v Holden [1912] 1 KB 483 (刑事上訴法院)。另見 Forename; Surname。n.





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