

单词 Garden leave
释义 閒置狀態
A lengthy notice requirement, during which the employer continues to pay the employee a normal wage, although not requiring the employee to work, in return for which the employee is still bound by the employment clause and not to take employment elsewhere during that period: Seapower Resources International Ltd v Lau Pak Shing (HCA 10715/93, unreported). ‘Garden leave clause’ is a formal covenant in restraint of trade in the case of a key employee. The employer, by doing so, is not in breach of the employment contract: Delaney v Staples (t/a De Montfort Recruitment) [1991] 2 QB 47 (CA). See also Contract of employment.
指在漫長的通知規定期間,儘管有關僱主不須其僱員工作,但繼續給予僱員正常工資,而該僱員仍須受有關的僱傭條款約束,並且在該段時期內,不得在別處受聘:Seapower Resources International Ltd v Lau Pak Shing(高院民事訴訟1993年第10715號,未經彙報)。就重要僱員而言,「閒置狀態條款」屬正式的限制同行競爭的契諾。如僱主訂立此等條款,不屬違反僱傭合約:Delaney v Staples (t/a De Montfort Recruitment) [1991] 2 QB 47 (芵國上訴法院)。另見 Contract of employment。




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