

单词 Nationality of ship
释义 船隻國籍
The state in which a ship is registered or, if it is not required to be registered, the nationality of its owners or operators. Nationality of a ship is usually determined by the state in which a ship is registered or, if it is not required to be registered, the nationality of its owners or operators. When a ship is on the high seas, all persons aboard the ship are within the jurisdiction of the state of its nationality: R v Anderson (1868) LR 1 CCR 161. A stateless ship will not be protected under international law and is liable for seizure: Naim Molvan v A-G for Palestine [1948] AC 351. Problems will arise on the determination of the nationality of a ship under bareboat charter registration (parallel/ dual registration), which may affect the enforceability of mortgages and in rem rights on the ship. Ships are entitled, and sometimes required to fly, the official flag of their state, which is known as the ‘flag-state’ (UK v Iran), Preliminary Objection 1952 ICJ 9. A ship registered in Hong Kong will fly the national flag of the People’s Republic of China directly above the regional flag of the Hong Kong SAR: Merchant Shipping (Registration) Ordinance (Cap 415) s 37 (1), sch 1.
船隻的國籍一般由船隻註冊的國家所決定,如該船隻不須註冊,則根據船主或經營者的國籍而決定。當船隻在公海上,所有上載船隻的人即受其國籍的司法管轄權範圍內所管限:R v Anderson (1868) LR 1 CCR 161。無國籍船隻不會受國際法保障,但須就扣押負上法律責任:Naim Molvan v A-G for Palestine [1948] AC 351。租空船契約註冊(平行/雙重註冊)會就決定船隻國籍而產生問題,該問題會影響按揭的可強制執行性及對物權利。船隻有權享有、及有時被規定懸掛其國家的官方旗幟,此被稱為「船籍國」(UK v Iran),先決反對1952 ICJ 9。在香港註冊的船隻須在香港特別行政區區旗上方懸掛中華人民共和國國旗:《商船(註冊)條例》(第415章)第37條(1)及附表1。




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