

单词 Towage
释义 拖船費
1. The charge made for the services of a tug in towing a vessel. Towage gives rise to a general maritime claim, which can be enforced in the Admiralty Court: High Court Ordinance (Cap 4) s 12A (2)(j). 2. The employment of one vessel to expedite the voyage of another, when nothing more is required than the accelerating that other ship’s progress: The Princess Alice (1849) 166 ER 914. Mere towage service is confined to vessels that have received no injury or damage, and mere towage reward is payable in those cases only where the vessel receiving the service is in the same condition the vessel would ordinarily be in without having encountered any damage or accident: The Reward (1841) 166 ER 538. During the towage, the tug does not become relieved from its obligations because (1) unforeseen difficulties occur in the completion of her task; and (2) the performance of the task is interrupted, or cannot be completed in the mode in which it was originally intended, as by the breaking of the ship’s hawser. However, if in the discharge of this task, by sudden violence of wind or waves, or other accidents, the ship in tow is placed in danger, and the towing-vessel incurs risks and performs duties which were not within the scope of her original engagement, the towing-vessel is entitled to additional remuneration for additional services if the ship be saved, and may claim as a salvor, instead of being restricted to the sum stipulated to be paid for mere towage: The Minnehaha [1861] 15 Moo PC 133, 15 ER 444. The towage service provided to a damaged vessel is regarded as salvage, rather than towage: The Troilus [1951] AC 820. A tug has no right to remuneration for assistance to or salvage of the vessel it is towing or of the vessel’s cargo, except where the tug has rendered exceptional services which cannot be considered as rendered in fulfilment of the contract of towage: Brussels Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law respecting Assistance and Salvage at Sea1910 art 4. See also Admiralty court; Salvage; Vessel.
  1. 拖船作出拖曳船舶服務的費用。拖船費產生一般的海事索償,並可在具海事司法管轄權的原訟法庭強制執行:《高等法院條例》(第4章)第 12A(2)(j)條。  拖曳船舶 2. 僱用一艘船舶為另一艘船舶促進航程,僅為要求加快另一艘船舶的航程:The Princess Alice (1849) 166 ER 914。純粹的拖曳船舶服務限於沒有受到損害或破損的船舶,此外僅在獲得有關服務的船舶的情況與該艘船舶一般在沒有遇到任何損害或意外的情況相同,才須繳付純粹的拖曳船舶報酬:The Reward (1841) 166 ER 538。在拖曳期間,拖船並不會因為下列的情況而得以免除責任:(1)在完成有關任務時出現未能預見的困難;及(2)任務的履行受到中斷,或不能以原本意圖完成的方式完結,例如弄斷船舶的鋼纜。但如在履行此等任務時,被拖曳中的船舶因突然而來的強風或巨浪或其他意外事故而處於危難之中,而拖曳中的船舶招致的危難及履行的責任並非在原本聘用協定的範圍之內,則如獲救,拖曳中的船舶有權因額外的服務而享有額外的報酬,並可以救助人員的身份索償,而非被限於僅為拖曳船舶而須繳付規定的款項上:The Minnehaha [1861] 15 Moo PC 133, 15 ER 444。提供予破損船舶的拖曳船舶服務被視為救助而非拖曳船舶:Troilus v The Glenogle [1951] AC 820。拖船不可享有協助或救助其拖曳的船舶或有關貨物的報酬的權利,但如有關的拖船已提供不可被視為履行拖曳合約而提供的超常的服務,則不在此限:1910年布魯塞爾的《統一海難救助若干法律規則國際公約》第4條。另見 Admiralty court; Salvage; Vessel。n.




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