

单词 Company secretary
释义 公司秘書
A person required to be appointed in every company, who may be one of the directors. The secretary shall, if an individual, ordinarily reside in Hong Kong or, if a body corporate, have its registered office or place of business in Hong Kong: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 154(1). If the office of the company secretary is vacant or when he is incapable of acting, such acts may be performed by the assistant or deputy secretary or, in the absence of the assistant or deputy secretary capable of performing, by any officer of the company authorised by the directors: s 154(2). A company secretary is not necessarily involved in the management of a company: Panorama Developments (Guildford) Ltd v Fidelis Furnishing Fabrics Ltd [1971] QB 711, 3 All ER 16 (CA). See also Apparent authority; Company seal; Implied authority.
一個要求每間公司任命的人,可以是董事中的一員。公司的秘書如屬個人,須通常居於香港;如屬法人團體,須在香港設有註冊辦事處或營業地點:《公司條例》(第32章)第154(1)、(2)條。如秘書職位空缺或他沒有能夠行事,該行為可由助理秘書或副秘書作出,如沒有能夠執行事務的助理秘書或副秘書,可由董事授權的任何高級人員作出:第154 (3)條。公司秘書不必要涉及公司的管理: Panorama Developments (Guildford) Ltd v Fidelis Furnishing Fabrics Ltd [1971] QB 711, 3 All ER 16(英國上訴法院)。另見 Apparent authority; Company seal; Implied authority。




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