

单词 Last opportunity rule
释义 最後機會規則
A common law rule that where an accident has occurred through the combined negligence of two people, the person who had the last opportunity to avoid the accident by taking reasonable care is solely liable: Radley v London and North Western Rly Co (1876) 1 AC 754 (HL). However, this rule is now obsolete because, when establishing contributory negligence, the question is not who had the last opportunity of avoiding the mischief but whose act caused the harm: Boy Andrew (Owens) v St Rognvald (Owens) [1948] AC 140; [1947] 2 All ER 350 (HL); Cheng Kin Ping & Anor v Woo Cho Wing John v Cheung Ming Wo (Third Party) [2000] 4 HKC 158 (CFA). See also Apportionment; Contributory negligence.
普通法規則,凡因兩人 的結合疏忽而導致意外的發生者,曾有最後機會以合理程度的謹慎去避免意外者,單獨承擔責任:Radley v London and North Western Rly Co (1876) 1 AC 754 (上議院)。然而,此規則現已廢止,因為在設定共分疏忽時,問題不是誰有最後機會避免損害,而是誰的行為導致了傷害:Boy Andrew (Owens) v St Rognvald (Owens) [1948] AC 140; [1947] 2 All ER 350 (上議院); Cheng Kin Ping & Anor v Woo Cho Wing John v Cheung Ming Wo (Third Party) [2000] 4 HKC 158 (終審法院)。另見 Apportionment; Contributory negligence。




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