

单词 Reservation in Government Grant
释义 政府批地的保留
A retention of right in land disposed of by the Government by lease in Hong Kong. There will invariably be a clause in the Government lease reserving for the Government the right to extract minerals and to lay sewers: Sihombing and Wilkinson, A Student’s Guide to Hong Kong Conveyancing (2nd Ed) ch 2 p 62. See also Government grant.
在香港租約,保留由政府處置土地的權利。在政府的租約會不變地有保留政府有提取礦物及鋪污水管權利的條款:Sihombing and Wilkinson, A Student’s Guide to Hong Kong Conveyancing (第2版)第2章第62頁。另見 Government grant。




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