

单词 Requisitions on title
释义 業權要求
A series of questions, inquiries, and requests addressed by a purchaser of an estate in land to a vendor concerning the vendor’s title. The questions are directed at defects or doubts in relation to the vendor’s title and may require the vendor to remedy any defects. Whether the purchaser is permitted to raise requisitions and whether the vendor is required to remedy any defect discovered will depend on the terms of the sale and purchase agreement: Sihombing and Wilkinson, A Student’s Guide to Hong Kong Conveyancing, (2nd Ed) ch 6 p 385. In the case of an open contract, the courts will imply a term giving the purchaser the right to raise requisitions: Active Keen Industries Ltd v Fok Chi Keong [1994] 1 HKLR 396. The requisition must be raised within the time prescribed in the contract, or as implied by legislation. Requisitions as to title can be made up to the time of completion. The requisition must be formulated with reasonable precision to be effective. The vendor is not required to answer materially confusing or obscure requisitions: Chan Chik Sum v Great Pearl Industries Ltd [1997] 1 HKC 27; Queen Energy Ltd v Chan Shu Keung [2000] 3 HKLRD 152. Where the requisition is formulated with precision, if the vendor fails to answer the requisitions adequately, the purchaser may rescind, and it is no excuse for the vendor that he can actually give a good title as he has failed to answer the requisitions satisfactorily: Kok Chong Ho v Double Value Developments Ltd [1993] 2 HKLR 423; Dei Chuen Ho Industrial Ltd v Leung Yin Por [1993] 2 HKC 495. See also Purchaser; Vendor.
由土地產業的承購人向賣方提出有關賣方業權的一連串的問題、諮詢及要求。有關的問題針對有關賣方業權的不妥善之處或有疑問的地方。是否容許承購人提出要求及是否須要賣方補救任何發現的不妥善之處,會視乎買賣協議的條款:Sihombing and Wilkinson, A Student’s Guide to Hong Kong Conveyancing, (第2版)第6章第385頁。有關公開合約的案件,法院會表示條款給與承購人提出要求的權利:Active Keen Industries Ltd v Fok Chi Keong [1994] 1 HKLR 396。必須在合約規定的時間內提出,或以法例所指的時間提出。可作出業權要求直至完成的時間。必須以合理的擬定要求才有效。賣方不須回答實質上混亂或不清楚的要求:Chan Chik Sum v Great Pearl Industries Ltd [1997] 1 HKC 27; Queen Energy Ltd v Chan Shu Keung [2000] 3 HKLRD 152。倘若已精確地擬定要求,如賣方未能充分回應要求,承購人可撤銷,及賣方不可辯解他實際上可給與妥善的業權,因他未能就有關的要求作出令人滿意的回答:Kok Chong Ho v Double Value Developments Ltd [1993] 2 HKLR 423; Dei Chuen Ho Industrial Ltd v Leung Yin Por [1993] 2 HKC 495。另見 Purchaser; Vendor。




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