

单词 Resealing
释义 再蓋印
The process of approving and sealing a grant of probate undertaken by a court in one jurisdiction (the resealing jurisdiction) where that grant of probate has already been issued by a court in another jurisdiction (the original sealing jurisdiction), with the result that the resealed grant of probate has the same force, effect and operation as if it had been originally granted by the resealing jurisdiction. See also Foreign grant; Grant of probate.
批准並為由某司法管轄區(再蓋印司法管轄區)法院承擔、但已由另一司法管轄區(原蓋印司法管轄區)法院發出的授予遺囑認證蓋印的法律程序,因此,再蓋印授予遺囑認證具有相同效力、作用及效用,猶如最初由再蓋印司法管轄區授予一樣。另見 Foreign grant;Grant of probate。




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